Kevin Gosa
Kevin Gosa

Kevin is Contributing Editor for The Curator and Conference and Membership Director for International Arts Movement. In addition to moonlighting as a writer, he moonlights as a saxophonist ( often performing solo, with songwriter Jake Armerding and as a member of the Sensorium Saxophone Orchestra. He also publishes original poetry (though usually in spurts) on his blog The Versery.

Kevin and his wife live, what could only be described as euphorically, in Jersey City, NJ, love traveling (especially to Singapore) and are obsessed with Jamie Oliver and his show Jamie at Home. Oh, and if watching cartoons were an Olympic sport, Kevin would have more gold medals than Michael Phelps.

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[From the Archives] Christmas: The Final Frontier

Abnormally busy city sidewalks are crammed with shoppers shoving other shoppers out of the way on the “rush” home with treasures they could’ve gotten on, but feel compelled to buy locally. And while it’s not true that smile meets smile these days, it is true that on every street corner, above all the bustle, […]

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A Seersucker Manifesto

No more dangerous fabric has ever been woven, washed, and worn in the history of mankind.

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Snobbery and the True King Corn

On popcorn: buying, making, seasoning, and eating it.

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Can Anyone Make Me Less "Miserables?"

So as I embarked on a mission to annihilate Ms. Hathaway’s daring attempt at musical theater (based, of course, solely on the film’s trailer – more on that later) I found myself unable to compile much evidence of singers, that in my opinion, are so monumentally superior to her in skill and execution, that she has disgraced the very thing she – in all likelihood – adores.

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Boffo Socko Jaco

They are one with their instrument. There isn’t a point at which the man stops and his instrument begins. This was Jaco.

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9.08 Christmas Albums Yule Love - Or Your Holiday Cheer Back

Suggestions for drowning out the ever-present strains of Mannheim Steamroller.

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A Beautiful (whatever that means) Moment

It wasn’t until the night Fitz and I entered a corner beer and hot-wingery that I truly appreciated the 7-layer salad that is post-modernism.

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It’s A Wonderful Flight

But on that day, on that plane, someone else was choosing what came next in my ears.

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Get Found at the Church of Chuck

Hope for lost Lost-lovers.

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An Unlikely Guide Points The Way Home

I have many dreams of many paths. Yet I, stupid little dreamer that I am, had wandered from one of those paths.

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Story Me This

I’d never waited in angst for a book to be published before now.

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Christmas: The Final Frontier

Instead of the Jon Secada & Lady Gaga Christmas Duets from La-La-Land, we get Pirates of the Caribbean: Mists of the Black Coal Stocking.

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Hear The Forest For The Leaves

Few joys found in music are greater than when you delve into the mystery of what makes it move you; when you seek those songs in which you find an endless forest of leaves.

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BREAKING NEWS: You Heard It Here First

Our most fearless and occasionally feckless contributing editor reports on an exciting cultural phenomenon.

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A Fight, a Flight, and a New Fan Contrite

What happens when you find yourself on a thirteen-hour flight with no choice but to confront your archnemesis?

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Bee Stung

Photo by Mark Bowen / Scripps National Spelling Bee I don’t often wake up in a sweat from reliving the eighth grade. There’s me, four-eyed, cowlicked and draped in an over-sized I.O.U. sweatshirt, facing the peercing gaze of a few hundred middle-schoolers and teachers, and waiting for the squad of judges to fire their next […]

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Brave New Burger

Much can be learned about what went wrong in burger industry by looking closely at our current economic debacle – specifically, subprime mortgage lending.

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The Danish Gambit or How I Broke a Blood Vessel in My Brain

And while nothing replaces the physical game, the feeling of picking up a pawn, and the palpable concentration of opponents engaged in battle, Chess With Friends offers a rewarding and worthwhile outlet for chess addictions.

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Classical What?!

I can think of only a few other fields where confusion ensues upon statement of profession: philosopher, geneticist, human rights advocate. Fortunately for those highly educated individuals who are also asked to explain their day-to-day dealings, they have either mental superiority or moral uprightness on their side. Classical saxophonists lose on both counts.

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Top Ten TV Shows

The most eclectic list of top ten TV shows to hit the top ten circuit this year.

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Boffo Socko Jaco

They are one with their instrument. There isn’t a point at which the man stops and his instrument begins. This was Jaco.

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Truth in Advertising

I don’t appreciate being treated like a piece of meat for corporate America to ogle, as though my level of humanity is less than or equal to the bottom line of my money market.

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The Lifeblood that Drivesthe Dreams of Champions

It was a delicious and unique adventure, a special opportunity to broaden my experiences – to have hot water that’s dripped over ground, burnt beans change my worldview.

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Pay Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain

In the window of just about any guitar shop anywhere in the world is a curvaceous and sultry guitar with Les Paul scrolled on the top of the headstock. That’s because he invented the modern electric guitar.

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