Deb, you told the principal I look disheveled. I appreciate the honesty. Stop telling people I remind you of a mop bucket. Honesty is nothing to sneeze at. You know I’ve always balked at looking down my nose at the janitorial profession, down at any sort of physical plant or groundskeeping or maintenance type of […]
In noir fiction, a classic McMuffin would be a sandwich that holds no meaning per se nor is its nature or essence revealed. It serves as a breakfast menu item to “move the plot forward” but otherwise is undeveloped. In noir fiction, however, a classic Big Mac is a horse of another stripe so to […]
My Ten Favorite Numbers of the Decade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 48
[From the Archives] PLAYA DE LOS COCOS
The problem with the tropics is the problem with mankind: there is no neat conclusion to the analogy being presented. In the same way, there is no subsequent comparison that makes more sense of what’s been stated; the world’s already as sensuous as it can be and as huge with palm trees and agave bushes […]
A poem by Aaron Belz
A poem by Aaron Belz
Aaron Belz on what we lose with our lack of limits and hyperconnectivity.
A poem by Aaron Belz
#GrowCurator - A Word from Editor-in-Chief Aaron Belz
“Our mission is not just to make *The Curator* better but to challenge our own assumptions about what’s appropriate for Christian journals in general.”
An interview with Tony Bancroft, who, when he co-directed Mulan (1998) became the youngest director of an animated feature in Disney’s history.
The Maker of Mulan’s Mushu Speaks
An Interview with Tom Bancroft
A poem by Aaron Belz on Valentine’s Day.
Princess Merida, explains producer Katherine Serafian, “doesn’t run off with a Prince Charming at the end. It’s not a romantic love story. It’s a story of family love and family connecting.”
At Least I Author My Own Disaster
The older I get the more I see that my own past is not merely a mistake or series of lapses in judgment but more of a whole cloth, a fabric of mistakenness.
Drake kills it, Solomon-style.