Lin Nelson Benedek
Lin Nelson Benedek

Lin Nelson Benedek earned her M.F.A. in Writing at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. She has had poems published in a number of journals and in five anthologies. Her first full-length poetry collection, I Was Going to Be a Cowgirl, was published by Kelsay Books in 2017. Her second poetry collection, When a Peacock Speaks to You in a Dream, was released in 2018 by the same publisher.

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Bless the top of my head My jukebox brain My third eye, my eyelids, Haughty bridge of my nose My tongue, that old tutor Lip, sole betrayer Clavicle, you flirt Breastbone, my wishbone Matador heart Naval, my mother, my origins, my hurt Gut, roiling, calm, my rogue second brain My spine, edifice, tower, my snake […]

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