Paul Laurence Dunbar
Paul Laurence Dunbar

Bio from the Poetry Foundation:

[As we continue to publish poems from the public domain this month, before we transition to work selected by our new poetry editor, we've decided to publish a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the late-19th and early 20th Century poet who also wrote plays, novels, and essays. Born to freed slaves in 1872, Dunbar achieved international reputation during his relatively short life. This poem cleverly and forcefully illuminates, in its concision and clipped rhythm, the enormous costs the speaker faces for one poor decision.]

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The Debt

This is the debt I pay...

This is the debt I pay Just for one riotous day, Years of regret and grief, Sorrow without relief. Pay it I will to the end — Until the grave, my friend, Gives me a true release — Gives me the clasp of peace. Slight was the thing I bought, Small was the debt I […]

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