For the time being, stand on top of the highest peak
without jumping. Release your holy rage into the air,
the perfume of your hair like a prayer.
Apply 2 drops of Hope to the rim of the ears –
to the other organs of sense: the eyes for light,
the mouth for the weeping & wailing &
gnashing of teeth. There is no spirit
but that which you can see: the wind
in the thousand grasses, clouds like contrails
from the wings of birds. The river a path
for sorrow.
Present Time may also be beneficial: proceed
along the bottom of the deepest ocean,
even though you cannot see
what’s coming next.
At the deepest point there is only stillness.
Apply 1 to 2 drops of Surrender.
There is no spirit but that which you can touch –
the slender blade of grass that slices your finger
as you pluck it from its place on the hillside –
the light of the one sun behind, for the time being
a pillar, or lantern. The earth & sky, apply
2 to 3 drops of Forgiveness.
There is no spirit, & there is only spirit –
the taste of the sun on your tongue,
your forehead slick with oil & with blood,
for the time being on one knee
apply 1 to 2 drops of Harmony.